Raul Meireles creates KOP perfume brand

Liverpool midfielder and fashion guru Raul Meireles is set to unveil his new perfume brand, Eau de Kop, at a star-studded event later this week held at some exclusive poncy nightclub.

Speaking to Lawn Sports via skype from his 1 bedroom flat in Wallacy, Meireles described the scent as a whiff of expectation and Pepe Reina’s underpants followed by an aroma of deep disappointment and old youtube videos.

One player who won’t be sprinkling Meireles’ new bottle of pong on his neck is Arsenal’s Emmanuel Frimpong.

The Ghanaian midfielder is said to be livid with his Liverpool counterpart for stealing his style.

‘First of all it was the red shirt, now the Mohawk, the little bitch is toooootally copying my look!’ said Frimpong in a personal voicemail message that Lawn Sports received anonymously but definitely didn’t pay Glenn Mulcaire for.

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